Divine Healing for Planet Earth

Given by Melissa Mullen, Soul Poeticist and Reiki Master Teacher based in Frederick, Maryland, America and special guests.

Please join in with this guided event which is for the purpose of channeling divine healing for planet Earth and all who dwell here. These Meditations are Angelically guided and open to all those who wish to participate.  You will experience deep peace and healing for yourself, and through you, for all those with whom you come in contact..

Zoom Link Provided upon Registration 

Logistics: Meditations are announced in advance via social media. Zoom doors will open at 7:15 pm to greet and establish energy connections. The channeled meditation will begin promptly at 7:30 pm and continue for as long as the energy flows, with discussion afterwards until 8:30 pm.  The fee is $10 to cover associated costs.

about Channeling

The work of a Healer as a clear channel is to support communication with guides and light messengers from Source.  The eternal self, or soul, resonates in communication with the unseen dimensions and seeks discourse to unleash the creative potential of every human life with love, compassion and clarity.

Soul Poetics are conducted only in the pure light of Reiki energy for the purpose of enabling the greatest good.  Melissa is adept at connecting to the angelic realm and handling any negative entities that may be present so that clients never need to fear what may come up.  Negative entities are offered healing or departure, making the channeling process safe and effective.

Soul Poetics sessions may be in person or on-line via Skype, Face Time, or Zoom.  The fee is $90/hour. 

To book, please use the signup link above, or email